Friday, October 5, 2012

City of Ottawa Trying To Protect Animals From Cruelty

The city of Ottawa is trying to help prevent puppy mills & animal hoarding. It's inhumane to treat animals with inadequate space to live. There is 'a proposed update to the City of Ottawa's kennel licensing laws that would set limits on the number of dogs or cats in-house breeders can have in their home has been put over until December. The Animal Care and Control bylaw puts limits on the number of dogs (three) or cats (five) a homeowner in the city can have, but the changes would allow licensed in-house breeders to be exempt from the rule and carry up to 10 adult animals provided they pay a separate licensing fee of $75. Licensed in-house breeders would not be permitted to have more than 10 animals over the age of 20 weeks. Only licensed kennels would be able to have more than 10 animals ' ~ CBC News Ottawa. This new purposal might sound harsh to someone who have 11 Newfoundlanders on a two acre property. Getting ride of one might prove to be heart breaking and difficult. It also might sound harsh to someone who has 11 cats living in a townhouse. It is a fine line. The proposition ultimately makes sense regarding hoarders who have 20 cats in a small apartment. It also makes sense regarding the countless puppy mills who torture animals. I think when the new proposition takes place, the city should give the breeder and kennels sufficient amount of time to adjust and find adequate homes. As much time as needed. Going forward I see healthy and happy pets.