In 2006 when we moved here, Blackie was living here. There were two Crows living here as well. Each morning I would be out hanging the clothes on the line and the two crows would be up in the tree top chatting away to one another. In the winter they would be here periodically. The two of them.
On the 2 acre property there are two huge dead Elm trees. When we moved here in May 2006 the Crows were perched up top on the left side dead elm. In 2009 they were still sitting up there doing the thing they always did in their three years time.
Spring of 2009 was wet. There was a lot of bugs. It will be a year ago this Spring in which one died. My guess it died of West Nile.
To make it that much more dramatic and sad it's dead wee body got hung up in the right-sided Elm tree. So it lay hanging there until this past winter. It was sad. The one lonely Crow was left cooing like a Dove. There was no more chatter. He was obviously missing his/her partner. Summer 2009 I was out there hanging up the laundry again and he was crying. Aw it was the saddest thing. So I, a little crazy anyways, walked over and gave my condolences.
Then about five of his friends show up. They all start tooting up a storm so I went back to my business.
Now there is a perminent fixture of three, four or five Crows hanging out.