Sunday, February 26, 2017

My Dreams About More Options Regarding Vegetarian/Vegan Food Availability

I would like to take a moment and for the first time in a very long time I am writing in my blog. I have two followers and one is my husband and the other is Victoria.

I would like to talk about the idea of going forward with more variety of vegan and vegetarian dishes in all restaurants and grocery stores.
The mainstream franchise restaurants do have one, two and maybe even three options for vegetarians or vegans but we are in a place now where there is no excuse for not being creative as a chef and delivering an endless supply of  healthy, hearty vegetarian/vegan dishes. More protein shakes and smoothies anyone? It's great to have options. Options are the spice of life. Food is life! Fruits and vegetables and healthy protein is nothing to frown upon.  In the city and urban areas there are vegan/vegetarian restaurants and that's great but there is a market for more.
There are so many delicious vegetarian/vegan recipes, seems like the obvious next step.
Wouldn't it be convenient to have more affordable restaurants and grocery chains exclusively vegetarian/vegan?

Something else I would like to mention:
There should be more compassion shown to each other and less line drawing in the sand. There should be less labeling and judging people.
We all have a right to be kind. We all have a right to do our best.
If you are a vegetarian right now and you choose to eat meat once a week, who am I to judge? I am here to say: Good for you. You are doing your best. Do the best you can with your own personal goals.
Life above all is no easy task at the best of times so show a little compassion. Compassion for all regardless of your place in life.